Dr Prabhu Singh serves as the Principal of SAIACS and also as Professor of Cultural Anthropology in the Department of Intercultural Studies. He has a PhD in Intercultural Studies with specializations in Religion and Cultural Anthropology. With nearly 30 years of experience in ministry, he is a renowned communicator, speaking in various settings in different parts of the world.
Books Written/Papers Published: “Living Water in Indian Cups: A Call for Cultural Relevance in Contemporary Indian Missions” in The Asbury Journal, Vol. 66: No. 2, p. 57-66, 2011; and “One Gospel, Many Cultures: Change, Continuity and Christianity in India” in One Gospel, Many Cultures, ed. Arren Bennett Lawrence (Fortress Press, forthcoming). Areas of Focus: Education: Apart from academics, he enjoys sports, particularly basketball, as well as reading and travelling. Prabhu is married to Sheeba, and they have a daughter, Prarthna.

Dr G. John Daniel serves as the Academic Dean and also as the Head of the Department of Intercultural Studies at SAIACS. He is an alumnus of SAIACS, having completed both his MTh (Old Testament) and PhD studies (Intercultural Studies) here. John has served as an adjunct faculty in several Bible schools in Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. He is an expert in Diaspora studies, and has completed his PhD in SAIACS entitled: Transnationalism in the Sri Lankan Tamil Churches of Greater London: An Exploratory Study. His academic research is also undergirded by over two decades of leadership experience across different continents. Books Written/Papers Published: “Tamil Churches in London (UK): Diaspora Missions at the Crossroads” in Desi Diaspora: Ministry Among Scattered Global Indian Christians, edited by Sam George, 58–67. Bangalore: SAIACS Press, 2019; “Transnationalism: A Vital Criterion for Diaspora Missions.” In Towards a Theology of Mission Today: Pioneers, Trends, Models & Prospects, edited by Paul Vellarackal and Dasan Jeyaraj, 268–95. Delhi: Published for Fellowship of Indian Missiologists (FOIM) by Christian World Imprints, 2021; “Pandemic Migration and Mission: A South Asian Reflection.” In Pandemic, Migration and Mission: Global Reflections for Christian Witness, edited by Sam George and Bulus Galadima, 34–39. Vernon Hills: Global Diaspora Network, 2022. Areas of Focus Education John is married to Sylvia, and they have two sons, Yoahann and Jonathan.

Dr Varughese John has served on SAIACS’s faculty in the Department of Theology and History since 2011 and is now the Dean of Doctoral Studies & Dean of Students. During his PhD, he was a Junior Research Fellow of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. Before joining SAIACS, he was a post-doctoral Kierkegaard House Foundation Fellow at the Howard and Edna Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, Minnesota. Later, as the Langham International Post-Doctoral Fellow, he spent a year at the Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut.
Books Written/Papers Published: In addition to his book, Truth and Subjectivity, Faith and History: Kierkegaard’s Insights for Christian Faith (Pickwick, 2012), he has authored several edited volumes as well as articles in peer-reviewed journals including entries in T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Christian Theology, Modern Reformation, Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology, South Asia Bible Commentary, Oxford Encyclopedia of South Asian Christianity, and others. Areas of Focus: Education: He is married to Mary, who is a psychotherapist, and they have three children. Varughese loves playing table tennis, volleyball, and other sports.

Dr Varghese Thomas, a SAIACS alumnus (MTh, Pastoral Theology and Counselling), serves as Head of the Department of Practical Theology and Counselling, and as Chaplain of the SAIACS community. Before joining SAIACS in 2018, he was a faculty at Hindustan Bible Institute for more than twenty years and also served as principal there for three years.
Books Written/Papers Published: He has published several articles on professional development of theological educators, intercultural competencies of ministry leaders, and rest and spirituality. He has also published study material in counselling, education, and ministry courses for students of distance education at Hindustan Bible Institute. Areas of Focus: Education: Varghese and his wife, Suja, have two children.

Dr Havilah Dharamraj, an alumnus of SAIACS (MA, Christian Studies), is Head of the Department of Biblical Studies. She previously served as Head of the Department of Old Testament (2008-20), and then as Academic Dean (2012-20). Two of her research interests are Intertextuality and Comparative Literature, which several of her students have used with skill in their MTh and PhD dissertations. Her interest in Biblical narrative has led her to invest in narrative preaching and storytelling workshops, both undertaken with the intent to re-introduce into Christian ministry the Indian cultural heritage of stories as a didactic oral medium.
Books Written/Papers Published:
Her recent publications include A Prophet Like Elijah?: A Narrative-Theological Reading of the Elijah Cycle. Paternoster Biblical Monographs Series. UK: Paternoster, 2011; South Asia Bible Commentary (editor and contributor). Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 2015; Altogether Lovely: A Thematic Intertextual Reading of the Song of Songs. Minneapolis, Minn: Fortress Press, 2017, and Ruth. Asia Bible Commentary Series. Langham Global Library, 2019. Her ongoing writing projects include South Asia Study Bible (editor and contributor) and Contribution to Five Views on Jesus in the Old Testament. Counterpoints series, Zondervan.
Areas of Focus:
- Biblical Narrative
- Old Testament Poetry
- Narrative Preaching
- Storytelling for Ministry
- PhD in Old Testament, University of Durham, UK
- MSc in Biochemistry, University of Bangalore
- MA in Christian Studies (SAIACS)
Besides writing for both academia and the Indian church, she enjoys her dogs and garden. Havilah is married to Pandu Dharamraj, and they have two married children and a grandson.

Dr Roji Thomas George has served as Professor of New Testament at SAIACS since 2016. He is also the Specialization Head for New Testament in the Department of Biblical Studies. Before joining SAIACS, he served as Assistant Professor of New Testament at Luther W. New Jr. Theological College, Dehradun (2005-2016), and as Managing Editor of the Doon Theological Journal (DTJ) from 2008-09 and 2012-16. Books Written/Papers Published: He received the J.G. Frank Collison Award for Theological Research (USA, 2014) for his work on Luke’s portrayal of Paul’s ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19). His recent publications include: Paul’s Identity in Galatians: A Postcolonial Appraisal (CWI, 2016); A Commentary on Philippians (ABC Series, Langham Press, 2019), and Called into the Mission of God: A Missional Reading of Paul’s Thessalonian Correspondence (Fortress Press, 2020). He has also published an English-Hindi Theological Glossary (NTC, 2006) that is widely used by Hindi theological literature publishers across India. His ongoing writing projects include Commentary on Galatians (Spirit and Scripture Series, Baker Academic) and South Asia Study Bible (editor and contributor). Areas of Focus: Education: Roji is married to Anjana, a high school teacher, and they have two daughters, Joanne and Janet.

Dr David Muthukumar serves as Head of Department of Theology and History. Before joining SAIACS in 2021, he served as faculty in the department of Theology at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, for eight years. Books Written/Papers Published: “Conceptualization And Analysis Of Systemic Corruption Through Augustinian Doctrine Of Original Sin.” UBS Journal. Pune, 2014; “Joy to the World”: Understanding the Event of “God Becoming Human” through a Gadamerian Hermeneutic. Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics. vol. 6, 2018, 87-102; “Apokatastasis as “Twin Mission”: Understanding the Concurrence of the Universality and Particularity of the Logos and Ruach in the Economy of Salvation.” Journal of the International Association for Mission Studies (BRILL), vol. 36, iss. 3, 2019, 484–506; “Embodied and Socially Embedded “Self”: Understanding Jesus’ Bodily Resurrection and Believers’ Post Mortem Identity and Continuity.” Science and Christian Belief, vol. 31(2), 2019: 111-129; “History as Revelation and Divine Discourse in History: A Postfoundationalist Anchoring of Scriptural Authority.” Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics. vol. 7, 2019: A1-21; “Norming the Norm of Relationality: A Theological and Interreligious Exploration of the Trinitarian Doctrine.” Jurnal Jaffray. Vol. 18(1), April 2020: 36-58; “Toward A ‘Conditional Universalism’: Appraising Jürgen Moltmann’s Universalism in light of Sin and Repentance.” in Evangelical Quarterly (BRILL) 92, 2021: 1–17; “Comparative Reading as an Interfaith Dialogue: Reincarnation in Bhagavad Gita and Resurrection in Thomistic Theology.” in Asia Journal of Theology. vol. 35(2) , October, 2020: 60-78. Areas of Focus: Education: David and his wife, Catherine, have two children, Nehem and Tim.

Dr Asish Thomas Koshy serves as Associate Professor of New Testament. Before joining SAIACS in 2021, he served as Associate Professor of New Testament at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune and at Gospel for Asia Biblical Seminary, Kerala. He was awarded a scholarship for a six-month exposure study at an Academy at the University of Hamburg (April 2008). He was also a sabbatical student at Westminster College, a constituent member of the Cambridge Theological Federation. Books Written and Papers Published: Articles “Towards a Narrative-Critical Reading of John 13: 1-30” in Kerala Theological Journal, 2010; “Breaking the Power of Silence and Espousing Engagement: Mark 3:1-6” in Christian Engagement in Social Change: The Role of Theological Education. Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2017, pp. 19-32; “Overcoming Violence and Pursuing Justice: Exploring A Case for Restorative Justice in Philemon” SATHRI Journal, 2017, pp. 73-93; “Luther’s Response to the Significance of Faith in relation to Works in the Epistle of James” SATHRI, April 2021; “‘Lived Experience’ of the Divine: Towards Understanding Community Spirituality in the Johannine Epistles” in Wider Contextualized Biblical Spirituality, March 2021; “The Pastoral Epistles” in An Asian Introduction to the New Testament (Fortress Press, Dec. 2021); “Understanding the Portrayal of Jews in John’s Gospel: A Socio-historical Perspective” in New Life Theological Journal, vol. 11, no.1 & 2 (Jan-Dec 2021); “Hermeneutics of Incarnation: Divine-Culture Engagement in John 4,” in Church, Culture, and Hermeneutics: An Evangelical Engagement (SAIACS), 2022. Books Written: Book Identity, Mission, and Community: A Study of the Johannine Resurrection Narrative. Christian World Imprints, 2017. Edited Book Christian Engagement in Social Change: The Role of Theological Education. Christian World Imprints, 2018. Sent to Editors/ for Publication “Signs and Divine Intervention in Marginality, Sickness and Suffering: An Alternative Reading of John 9” in Doon Theological Journal, Jan 2023; “1 John” in South Asian Study Bible (Langham Partnership International) Areas of Focus: Education: Asish is married to Sara Oommen, a nurse by profession, and they are blessed with two daughters, Akshitha and Ankitha.

Dr Jacob Joseph serves as a faculty in the Department of Pastoral Theology and Counselling. Before transitioning to music studies, he served as faculty in New Theological College (NTC) in Dehradun. After he completed his studies in music, he returned to NTC and developed the Diploma in Worship and Music programme.
Books Written/Papers Published:
His recent publications include: Contextualizing of Worship in India: An Ethnodoxological Approach, Delhi; ISPCK, 2019; “The Challenges of Indigenizing Christian Worship: An Example from India” in Worship and Mission, An Ethnodoxology Handbook, James R. Krabill ed. (Pasadena, CA; Willliam Carey Library, 2013); and “Indigenizing Christian Worship in India: Some Considerations” in Mission Frontiers Issue 36:5, September/October 2014.
Areas of Focus:
- Church Music and Worship
- Hymnology
- Indigenous Music
- Culture and Theology
- Doctor of Ministry (Christian Worship Studies), Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, USA
- Masters in Church Music, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA
- Bachelor of Divinity, Serampore University
- BA, Mahatma Gandhi University, India
He is a classical pianist and enjoys teaching more than performing. His greatest passion is to train people with musical skills and has been teaching piano for more than 30 years. He also plays the guitar and enjoys conducting choirs. One of his key interests is to develop indigenous worship for local congregations.
His non-music interests include playing badminton. Jacob is married to Bitha, who is a teacher, and they are blessed with four boys Aaron, Nathan, Ethan and Jaron.

Dr Asokan B, an alumnus of SAIACS, completed his DMiss (Missiology) and PhD (History of Christianity) and is a faculty in the Department of Theology and History. His PhD dissertation entitled, “The Apostolate of St. Thomas: An Evaluation of Existing Traditions” is a detailed study of St. Thomas’ heritage, unlike the traditional beliefs.
He has done his MA in Biblical Studies, from North West Baptist Seminary, Tacoma, Washington, and his MTh in Bible Exposition (N.T. and Theology) from Asian Christan Academy, Bangalore (presently in Hosur, Tamilnadu) and served as a “Co-ordinator for MTh, and Doctoral Studies” at Berean Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Bangalore, from 1993 to 2021, where he did B.D too. He served as a visiting faculty to different Theological Institutions in India and other Asian Countries. He also served as an Evangelist, Bible Teacher, and Church Planter in different parts of India.
Books Written/Papers Published:
He published a number of articles in the in-house journals and yearbooks of Bible Schools and Theological institutions on missions, theology, Church planting, and Bible expositions.
Area of Focus:
- Systematic Theology
- Biblical Theology
- Inter-cultural Missions and Ministry
- Evangelism and Church Planting
- Historical Theology and History of the Church
- BA Psychology, Madras University
- MA Sociology, Annamalai University
- MA Journalism and Mass Communication, Madurai Kamaraj University
- MA History, University of Mysore
- MA Political Science, University of Mysore
Dr Asokan listens to political and religious news, along with Christian apologists’ defense of Christianity. He is married to Elsie and has two daughters, Aroma and Aloma, both are married.

Dr Prince Kumar Tamilarasan, an alumnus of SAIACS (MDiv, MTh and PhD), serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Biblical Studies (Old Testament). His doctoral dissertation is a comparative study of Proverbs and Thirukkural. His research interest is in the oft-neglected area of wisdom literature and its significance for Biblical theology.
Books Written/Papers Published:
“Holy War.” In South Asia Bible Commentary: A One-Volume Commentary on the Whole Bible, edited by Brian C Wintle, Havilah Dharamraj, Jacob Cherian, Jesudason Baskar Jeyaraj, Paul Swarup, and Finny Philip, 282–83. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015; “The Displaced and Divine Self-Exile: The Interplay between the Absence and Presence of God.” In Reflections of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Theologies and Ministries, edited by Sam George, Vol. 3. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2022; “Proverbs Commentary.” In South Asia Study Bible Commentary. Open Door Publication and Langham Publishing, Forthcoming.
Area of Focus:
- Proverbs
- Qoheleth
- Biblical Theology
- Hebrew Grammar and Exegesis
- PhD in Old Testament, SAIACS, Bangalore
- MTh in Old Testament, SAIACS, Bangalore
- MDiv in Old Testament, SAIACS, Bangalore
- MPhil in English Literature, Annamalai University, Chidambaram
- MA in English Literature, Annamalai University, Chidambaram
- BBS, Jubilee Christian College, Arkansas
- BSc in Mathematics, GTN Arts College, Dindigul
Prince loves playing sports, teaching kids, and hosting friends at home. He is married to Annie Thomas. They are blessed with two children, Divya Mana Prince and Daniel Tamilarasan Prince.

Dr Amritraj Joshua Paul serves as Associate Professor of Theology in the Department of Theology and History. He did his Bachelor of Divinity (BD) program at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, and his Master of Theology (MTh) program from the Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture (FFRRC), at Kottayam. He also did his doctoral studies at FFRRC, and received his Doctor of Theology Degree (DTh) from the Senate of Serampore College (University) in 2022. His work focuses on the hermeneutics of the cross in relation to violence.
Books Written/Papers Published: His publications include: “Karl Barth and M. M. Thomas: Convergence and Divergence in their Theological Anthropologies” in Mar Thoma Seminary Journal of Theology, 4/2 (December 2015): 38-62; “Analogy of Faith in Karl Barth’s Theology for Postmodern Times: Some Proposals from an Indian Perspective” in Sathri Journal, 10/3 (April 2017):83-102; “Truthing in a Post-Truth Political Society: A Hermeneutical Proposal” in Mar Thoma Seminary Journal of Theology, 7/1 (June 2018): 21-33. He has also read a paper on “Imago Dei and Human Sexuality: Insights from Karl Barth towards the Dialectic between Realistic Essentialism and Critical Constructivism,” at the FFRRC Doctoral Colloquium, Kottayam, December 2018. Areas of Focus: Education: Amrit is married to Reshma Stephen, and they have two teenage children, a son (Adriel) and a daughter (Amy). Apart from reading, Amrit enjoys music and movies, and debates on contemporary issues and politics.

Dr Stavan Narendra John, a SAIACS alumnus (MTh, Theology), joined SAIACS as a faculty-in-training in 2015 and is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Theology. He recently completed his PhD from OCMS/Middlesex University, UK. His thesis focused on Thomas F. Torrance’s Theology of the Ascension. His area of interest within theology is Christology, particularly the Humanity of Christ; his Master’s thesis focused on Karl Barth’s contribution to the debate about Christ’s fallen (but sinless) human nature. His PhD, in some ways, carries on the discussion on a related but underexplored area within theology: the humanity of the ascended Christ. Other theological interests range from the interface between theology, sports, and spiritual formation to east-west dialogical theology.
Books Written/Papers Published: He recently published an article entitled “Chalcedon and Indian Christologies,” in Modern Reformation 30 (2021): 9-13. He also has a forthcoming article entitled “Torrance and Global Evangelicalism: Some Potential Generative Exchanges with Contemporary Indian Evangelical Theology,” in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps (Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2023). Areas of Focus: Education: Stavan is an avid cricket fan. He is married to Christina, who is also a graduate of SAIACS (MDiv, Theology), and they have a son, Ishan.

Dr Joshua George, an alumnus of SAIACS (MDiv and MTh) joined SAIACS as faculty-in-training and currently serves as the Dean of Online studies and teaches in the department of Practical Theology. He has completed his PhD from the Australian College of Theology (ACT) through Malyon College, Brisbane. His PhD was titled, “Understanding the attitudes of Urban Indian Millennials to Preaching as Listeners: A study in Practical Theology.”
Josh teaches classes in critical thinking, research writing skills, theology of church practices, an introduction to pastoral theology and care, and the integration between psychology and theology and theological foundations of marriage and family. He was a Tearfund Asia region consultant in a global research project on issues in gender theology in 2018. He formerly worked in human resources in Accenture and TCS.
Areas of Focus: Education: PhD in Practical Theology at Malyon College, Brisbane, part of the Australian College of Theology (ACT). MTh in Pastoral Theology and Counselling, SAIACS MDiv Pastoral Theology and Counselling, SAIACS BSc Life Sciences and Biochemistry, St. Xaviers College, University of Mumbai Josh’s non-academic interests include science-fiction (books and movies), cooking, reading, and watching cricket. Joshua is married to Priyanka, and they have four children, Joel, Anaiya, Viaan and Samaira.