We are living in a complex world with unprecedented challenges, which requires us to constantly learn and innovate. An ongoing commitment to holistic learning would ensure that we remain relevant to our contextual realities. For many Christian leaders, it becomes extremely difficult to take time off from their demanding work and ministry responsibilities to pursue theological studies. Recognizing this challenge and to cater to the growing need to train leaders for the church and nation, we offer our online programmes. This online initiative is birthed out of a vision and passion for developing leaders who can engage the rapidly changing, complex, contextual realities by harnessing the power of technology for theological educational purposes.

SAIACS offers a 2-4 years online Master of Arts with specializations in Biblical Studies, Christian Counselling and Theological Studies. The programme is accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA).
The SAIACS MA Online programme is uniquely designed to provide a holistic theological education, focused on the head (cognitive), heart (affective) and hands (behavioural/skills).

The MA Online programme is unique in its pedagogical methodology with regard to the course administration, which is built on a hybrid mode of learning. Several technological tools like Moodle, Zoom, Digital Library, WhatsApp and others are employed for lectures, discussions, seminars and library access. Each module is for 3 credits and the MA programme consists of 20 modules for a total requirement of 60 credits.


1 Biblical Studies 2-6 Years 18 Modules
2 Practicums
Mostly asynchronous on Moodle platform with some amount of synchronous sessions through Zoom or any other online platforms with Course Designers/ Facilitators
2 Christian Counselling
3 Theological Studies


  • Description of Disciplines

    This programme has nine core modules dedicated to the study of the various literary categories in the Old and New Testaments: narrative, poetry, prophetic books, wisdom books, gospels, epistles integrated with Acts (in two parts), law, and apocalyptic books. The student is given preparation towards confidently teaching and preaching from these categories of biblical literature. The modules are designed for both knowledge of the Bible and for personal transformation through the study of the Bible.

    The Master of Arts in Christian Counselling is a non-licensure graduate online programme designed to prepare servant leaders for excellence in service of Christian counselling in the local Church, denominational agencies, ministry-based organizations, NPOs and even in the marketplace. The programme provides a theological and biblical foundation enabling the participants to incorporate biblical principles and themes into a counselling ministry. The courses in this programme will address a variety of topics as well as focus on the person of the counsellor in terms of skill development, personal therapy and Christian formation. This programme will also give counselling strategies, techniques, tools and caregiving activities to help people in all walks of life.

    The MA (TS) program is designed to equip university graduates with a wider spectrum of theological knowledge, and skills needed to serve Christ and further His kingdom. Its purpose is to provide understanding in the theological disciplines, integrating intellectual rigour, spiritual formation, and ministry development. The MA (TS) students will be gaining theological understanding from across disciplines such as Biblical Studies, Leadership, Theology, Apologetics, Christian Counselling, Intercultural Studies, Religious Studies, Practical Theology, and History of Christianity.

  • Entry Requirements

    • Bachelor’s Degree (minimum 2nd Class pass) is mandatory. The degree can be from any recognized University or Theological College or Seminary that is accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA) or the Senate of Serampore College.
    • SAIACS application requirements, interview, and entrance examinations must be completed.

  • Period of Study

    SAIACS Online MA can be completed within a period of 2 – 4 years. Additional years may be granted with an annual extension fee, up to 6 years. At the end of 6 years, the registration will expire, and the candidate will have to register again for the programme.


    The MA Online curriculum is designed to provide biblically grounded, ministry focused courses, which are relevant to the contemporary socio-cultural issues and realities, from both local and global perspectives. The curriculum is intentionally designed with focus on sharpening the intellect, shaping the character and enhancing the ministry skills.

    The course comprises of 60 credits, which are spread across 20 modules of 3 credits each. Applicants who hold an ATA accredited BTh degree with a ‘B+’ grade can avail a waiver of two modules.

    The MA Online curriculum includes the following six components:

    Online Orientation and Re-search & Writing Skills 1 3
    Specialization 9 27
    Foundational/Core 5 15
    Electives 3 9
    Spiritual Formation (Practicum 1) 1 3
    Ministry Formation (Practicum 2) 1 3
    TOTAL 20 60


    Each module is of 8 weeks with 4 units of 2 weeks each. The online classes will include lecture videos, paper presentations, assignments, quizzes, forum discussions through the Moodle learning platform. There will also be face to face interaction with the respective tutors/ facilitators through Zoom or any other online platform.

    Each credit hour requires 2000 minutes of learning. This means that a module will require 6000 minutes of learning (100-120 learning hours) that include academic activity such as reading, writing, field work, video lectures, and other assignments as deemed necessary.


    SAIACS library catalogue and all electronic resources are now accessible from off campus (online) through SAIACS eLibrary. This gives students and faculty access to library resources from any location. Students desiring to use the SAIACS Library or visit the campus briefly for research purposes can avail the boarding and lodging guest facilities at SAIACS at additional cost.


    The fee has been kept very reasonable, considering the financial reality of many of our candidates. Also, students will have the option to pay this in multiple instalments (Minimum 3 Modules package). Scholarship will be provided for suitable candidates. Please email the Online Department for more details.

  • Completion Requirements

    • Successful completion of 60 credits.
    • Ministry involvement meeting the set requirements.
    • Character and spiritual development meeting the set requirements.


  • JANUARY (last date for applying, November 30)
  • JUNE (last date for applying, March 31)
  • OCTOBER (last date for applying, August 31)

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